SubCommittee Membership Resources
Membership in the SubCommittee offers many benefits, the most valuable probably being instant access to over 130 issues of The SubCommittee Report, our premier magazine for submarine enthusiasts of all stripes that we've been publishing since the '90s! Chock full of information and inspiration on subs of all types, eras, nations and scales—including 1:1—it's where you'll find your connection to all things submarine: modeling, history, fellowship, and so much more.
Of course, much of the SC's effort is focused specifically on the unique hobby of r/c model submarines, supporting the global community of r/c submarine skippers, and sharing their knowledge, experience, and camaraderie.
R/C submarining is truly a niche hobby, however, so if you're new to it and interested in coming aboard, the benefit of joining our community cannot be overstated—actually, even if you're already an old hand. We're dedicated to providing the resources needed to start, grow and strengthen your journey in this unique and exciting endeavor. Dues are modest and well worth the investment. Dive
in soon to this wonderfully fun realm!